Smart Manifaturing Matchmaking 2022
Opportunities to meet company managers, researchers and public bodies working in the area of Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0.
Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing and revitalizing all industrial operations, positioning itself as a new paradigm for companies that must engage in new challenges but at the same time can take advantage of the opportunities offered by the fourth industrial revolution.
SMM2022 is an important opportunity to stay updated on the latest developments, the innovation demand of institutions and cities, the new applications developed by SMEs and the challenges techniques that large companies will have to face.
- Digital Twin
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Applications of Virtual / Augmented / Mixed Reality in Industry
- Big data Analytics
- Cyber Physical Systems
- Simulation
- Autonomous Robot
- AI & Machine Learning for Industrial applications
- Additive Manufacturing
- Cyber security and Cloud
- Human Machine interfaces
- Human to Machine cooperation
- Sustainable industry 4.0
- Predictive Maintenance
- System integration
- Autonomous production
SMM2022 includes an integrated set of events: B2B, Webinar, local events.
B2B – Brokerage Event
Provides a unique opportunity to meet companies, research centers and public administrations working in Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. The BE@SMM2021 will be organized as a virtual matchmaking event, this means that all 1:1 meeting will be held online. You do not need any additional software, only an up-to-date web browser, a microphone and a webcam.
Webinar 4.0
Webinar4.0@smm2021 includes webinars held by specialists and related to smm2022 topics.
Local Events
Events in which local actors and stakeholders of the regional innovation ecosystem are involved